Arch and scrcpy
We don't get very good phone reception at home and many things are moving to SMS codes to confirm logins.
The problem is receving a code means going out into the street or upstairs to get signal, then going back to the computer before the code expires.
A solution is an Android screen sharing program so I can leave the phone upstairs and view from my computer, enter scrcpy
To install this you just need to type
paru -Syu scrcpy
Then to run it over wifi, setup and start adb over wifi on the phone and then create a bash script with this in
#!/bin/bash while ! ping -c 1 -W 1; do notify-send --icon computer 'Waiting on network' sleep 1 done adb tcpip 5555 adb connect scrcpy -S --serial --bit-rate 4M --max-size 800 adb disconnect adb kill-server
My phone has a static address of, change this to your phone's IP address. Now I can view the screen and use my mouse as a remote finger. The script above starts ADB then connects to the static IP address and starts scrcpy, then when I close the window it shuts it all down again, ready for next time.