I originally had the recipe off:-
450gm Strong white flour 7gm quick bake yeast 300ml water 300ml Plenish Almond Drink (I am Lactose intolerant) 1tsp Sugar 1tsp Salt
1 Warm Almond Drink and Water together
2 Place all the ingredients into a bowl and beat until smooth. Put to one side until frothy and the size has doubled.
3 Grease a heavy frying pan and some 4 inch egg rings. Heat.
4 Half fill each ring.
5 Cook the crumpets until the surface bubbles (about 5 minutes). Reduce heat until the bubbles have burst.
6 Turn the crumpets over and for further time until the edges of the bubbles start to brown, slightly.
7 Re-grease, increase the heat and repeat.
There you are easier than pan cakes.