How to Install Yay on Arch Linux

09-07-21 10:15

Yay is an AUR helper and pacman wrapper. It is a popular tool for managing packages on Arch Linux. I...

Arch Home cleanup

06-07-21 11:17

The advantage of a rolling release is the lack of re-installation, the disadvantage is the build up...

Arch Dual Monitor configuration

03-07-21 8:31

I have two monitors and only ever use one at a time, I have a script and keyboard shortcut to switch...

GUI pacdiff

17-06-21 7:35

As much as I like using the terminal when making changes to the system I like a GUI application.


Pacman mirrors

04-06-21 7:34

To update the mirrors to local ones and rate them, you just need to run one command.

sudo reflect...