Fix Evolution print

01-06-21 7:35 simon

Currently Evolution is unable to print, it has been an issue since at least v3.38. This is a workround, not a fix but it will do until it is fixed.

cp /usr/share/applications/org.gnome.Evolution.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/
sed -i 's/Exec=evolution/Exec=env WEBKIT_FORCE_SANDBOX=0 evolution/g' ~/.local/share/applications/org.gnome.Evolution.desktop
grep -i "exec" ~/.local/share/applications/org.gnome.Evolution.desktop

The above should produce something like this

Exec=env WEBKIT_FORCE_SANDBOX=0 evolution %U
Exec=env WEBKIT_FORCE_SANDBOX=0 evolution -c current
Exec=env WEBKIT_FORCE_SANDBOX=0 evolution mailto:
Exec=env WEBKIT_FORCE_SANDBOX=0 evolution -c contacts
Exec=env WEBKIT_FORCE_SANDBOX=0 evolution -c calendar
Exec=env WEBKIT_FORCE_SANDBOX=0 evolution -c mail
Exec=env WEBKIT_FORCE_SANDBOX=0 evolution -c memos
Exec=env WEBKIT_FORCE_SANDBOX=0 evolution -c tasks

If you have the xfce4-mailwatch-plugin you need to change the command to

env WEBKIT_FORCE_SANDBOX=0 evolution